Amnesty International, Batemans Bay Ph: 4472 8849
Batemans Bay Daylight Lodge, Masonic Lodge, Batemans Bay Ph: 4471 7820
Batemans Bay Speakers Club, Batemans Bay Ph: 4472 6021
Classic & Historic Auto Club of Aust, Batemans Bay Ph: 4471 1443
Combined Pensioners Assoc, Moruya Ph: 4474 2180
EAR-FM Community Radio, Moruya Ph: 4474 3443
Eurobodalla Canine Club, Moruya Ph: 0414 343 007
Eurobodalla District Show Society Inc, Moruya Ph: 4474 3980
Eurobodalla Friends of the ABC, Batemans Bay Ph: 4472 8389
Eurobodalla Photographic Club Inc Ph: 4477 9309
Long Beach Area Improvement Group, Batemans Bay Ph: 4472 9274
Narooma & Kianga Garden Club, Narooma Ph: 4476 2918
Speakers Club, Batemans Bay Ph: 4472 6201
Tuross Head Garden Group, Tuross Ph: 4473 8524

Batemans Bay Daylight Lodge
Masonic Lodge

Meets at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club the first Tuesday each Month

Contact Keith at 44717820 or by email