Bega OnLine (Commercial)

If your business or a business you know about is incorrectly listed on the Bega OnLine website, please fill out the correct details for that establishment on the form below.

  • Deletions: If the business has ceased to operate, please select the "Delete" option, enter the name of the establishment as shown on the listing, the category and your name and contact details

  • Amendments: Please enter the correct details for the establishment

    If this is all too hard, please just send us an email with the necessary information.

    Advice provided by:
    Your Name :
    Your Telephone Number :
    Email Address (if applicable) :

    Please select the type of advice
    Amendment to Existing Listing
    Deletion of Existing Listing

    Business Details
    Business Name :
    Business Telephone Number :
    Business Address (Town or region only) :

    Category : From the list below, select the category most applicable to the business (1 only). For a deletion, specify the present category please.

    If the business does not fall into one of these broad categories,
    suggest an appropriate category :

    Please note : We cannot guarantee the addition of any categories, but will consider any suggestion

    It is the responsibility of the listed business to advise of any changes in the listing details

    This is an introductory offer to businesses operating in the Bega district only. Morningside reserves the right to withdraw this listing service or to alter the charging basis at any time, without notice.

    Morningside reserves the right to refuse or remove a registration or listing.

    Do you accept your free listing on these terms ? Yes No

  • ©  Morningside Internet